
Friday, February 17, 2012

Love never ends

I have not written in my blog in such a long time! I have been a little down and have been concertinaing on finding an occupation and this process has been very difficult for me. After working 14 years straight with some type if job to not having one at all has been a humbling experience. Through out this whole process, my parents have been so supportive and continuing to allow me to stay with them until I get on my feet. That itself is a blessing!

Today while talking with my mother, she told me that my dad asked her out on a date tonight and she was just smiling from ear to ear. She was saying your father is being smooth and I was just laughing away. I then started to think, Wow, they are still living their lives as if they were still 20 years old. I think it is absolutely amazing that after 41 years of marriage, my dad is still being that person he was when I was growing up. Some couples just let there marriage just go with the flow and not still have the spice in it. My parents still go out on dates very often and continue to keep their marriage fresh and exciting. Sometimes I just sit back and say, if I get married, I am going to be the same way to my wife. There has never been a time that I have never saw them not show love to each other. I know they might not like each other from time to time but I know they are still deeply in love with each other. It shows in their actions and i am truly blessed to have seen a love like theirs when divorce is so common in today's society. Looking at my dad and mom I still do believe that good guys will get an amazing woman in their lives that will respect and cherish a true gentleman like my dad. I do believe that marriages are built to last when you find the right person. I do believe that marriage is a blessing and death do us part still does happen. I couldn't have been any prouder when my mom was telling me about her date tonight.

It is truly amazing to see older couples show love to each other. Holding hands, looking into each others eyes and you can see the love in their faces as they are glowing. I still see that in my parents and I have one of the most perfect examples on how true love never ends. Do you still believe in true love and that it never ends? Let me know your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. It's spady, too lazy to log in. God is love, and I truly believe it is the most powerful thing that He has blessed us with. It will make you do thing that you never imagine you would do, and touch people's hearts in the process. Because of these things and more, love has no end to it.
